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VIP creates long-term, large-scale projects that unite undergraduate education and faculty research, innovation, design, and entrepreneurship through multidisciplinary teams.


Call for Campus Partner Proposals


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Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) engages undergraduate students of all backgrounds and disciplines in ambitious, long-term, large-scale, multidisciplinary, course-based project teams led by UMD campus partners.  The VIP model has been evaluated and refined over two decades and operates at over 20 universities and colleges worldwide.


Launched by the A. James Clark School of Engineering (ENGR), VIP@Maryland is in operation and currently hosts six faculty-led VIP Teams:


VIP@Maryland and The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) are working collaboratively to expand this experiential education and research model with campus partners seeking new opportunities for their students to engage in research, innovation, and multidisciplinary engagement.​


Call for Proposals


Launch: December 2024

Submissions Close: February 28, 2025 (end of day)


Our annual VIP Call for Proposals seeks to find campus partners who would benefit from hosting a new VIP Team.​

Background on the VIP Model​

The first step in considering where a VIP Team might be a good fit for your academic unit or organization is to take time to better understand the VIP model.​  Given that this model has been implemented at a range of colleges and universities, there are many places to learn more about the model and how it works:


Design Features, Impacts & Outcomes of the VIP Model​

Leveraging information provided by the VIP Consortium, consider the following aspects of the VIP model regarding student impacts and outcomes.  Much of the text presented below is available on the VIP Consortium website.


In VIP programs, undergraduate students - from various academic years and disciplines -  work with faculty on ambitious, long-term, large-scale research projects.  Structured as semester-long courses, VIP operates like lab groups or think tanks rather than the traditional lecturer-class model, giving students direct involvement in research and innovation while earning academic credit.


Faculty-Led Teams: Faculty create projects around their scholarly interests, bringing expertise and enthusiasm to each team. The VIP structure is uniquely designed to advance faculty scholarship and research while emphasizing undergraduate learning.


Collaboration & Mentorship: VIP's long-term nature creates a unique mentorship environment: faculty mentor teams, experienced students mentor new members, and students move into leadership positions as others graduate. Students develop leadership and collaboration skills.


Active & Longitudinal Participation: Students are eligible to participate in the same team throughout the rest of their academic careers.


This extended timeline provides the time and context for students to: 

  • gain deeper insights into their field of study;

  • learn and practice professional and research skills;

  • make substantial contributions to real-world projects; and

  • experience different roles on large, multi-disciplinary teams.


Core VIP Team Design Features​

  • VIP Team goals are rooted in VIP Faculty Mentors' scholarly/research goals.

  • VIP Teams have ~10 students and operate for multiple years.

  • VIP Teams are encouraged to have diverse multidisciplinary students.

  • VIP Teams have dedicated learning, meeting, and research spaces (as needed).

  • Students receive academic credit for each semester of VIP involvement.

  • Students develop disciplinary and professional skills.

  • VIP Faculty Mentor and student participation is driven by mutual interest in shared goals.


Why are Students Interested in a VIP Team?

  • Belonging:  being a part of a research group and feeling membership therein.

  • Mentorship: receiving multimodal (personal, academic, research, professional) mentorship from peers, potential graduate students and postdoctoral associates that might be involved, and the VIP Faculty Mentor.

  • Barrier Removal: VIP program participation does not have GPA requirements, nor does it require prior experience.

  • Professional Development: students learn new skills inside and outside their academic discipline.  Additionally, students develop broader professional competencies such as communication skills, collaboration, problem-solving, leadership, and resilience.

  • Preparing for the Future:  students prepare for potential graduate training or other post-graduation opportunities they may wish to pursue.


Why should Campus Partners be Interested in a VIP Team?

  • Longitudinal and large-scale involvement of students in scholarly/research goals.

  • Increased continuity of knowledge when engaging students in research (as compared with traditional smaller-scale engagement).

  • Students are enthusiastic, motivated, and productive.

  • Provides beneficial educational and broader impacts for grant proposals.

  • Adds a new dimension to scholarly/research exploration.


VIP@Maryland established a logistical and academic framework that will inform but not dictate the design and operation of future VIP Teams.​  We expect this framework to inclusively expand as the VIP Teams emerge from outside from outside ENGR.​​ 


ENGR will continue facilitating the approval, design, and launch of ENGR-based VIP Team proposals.  OUR will drive the process by which new VIP Teams are proposed and considered from all other UMD schools and colleges.


OUR, in collaboration with colleagues from the ENGR-based VIP@Maryland program, will provide the following modes of long-term support:

  • Student messaging & recruitment (including the messaging of undergraduates, facilitation of applications, and team assignments).

  • VIPS course creation & faculty scheduling.

  • Working with academic units to negotiate potential degree credit for VIPS courses.

  • VIP Faculty Mentor readiness, academic community & readiness.

  • VIP Team assessment & evaluation.


Campus partners will need to provide the following for all new VIP Teams:

  • Infrastructure: facilities, equipment, and consumables for VIP Team operations.

  • Instruction & mentorship: a campus partner who will be the VIP Faculty Mentor and instructor of record for the associated VIPS course.  VIPS courses typically meet 1-2 hours per week, with VIP Faculty Mentors committing to an additional 1-2 hours of preparation, oversight, and mentorship during the rest of the week.


Proposal Submission

​Please consider submitting a VIP Team Proposal linked at the bottom of this page.​  The process by which OUR considers new opportunities is depicted in the figure below. 


Proposal Evaluation & Collaborative Conversations

This call for proposals is not a competitive process - the goal of this process is to start as many new VIP Teams as possible in the Fall 2025 term.


We will work to ensure that the proposed VIP Faculty Mentors are committed to and ready to fulfill the role's leadership, mentorship, and instructional requirements.  When reviewing proposals, we will consider the proposed VIP Faculty Mentor's commitment, ideas, and understanding of the program's structure.


The VIP Team Proposal Collaborative Conversations step will involve OUR team members, colleagues from VIP@Maryland, and individuals who propose a new VIP Team.  The goal will be to ensure the availability and readiness of required infrastructure and clear identification and availability of the campus partner who will serve as the VIP Faculty Mentor.​


VIP Team Design & Readiness

OUR will work with campus partners through the Spring and Summer of 2025 to ensure that hosts of new VIP Teams are ready for students to begin in the Fall 2025 term.


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