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Undergraduate Research Opportunities & Competencies (UROC) 
Open Educational Resource

​The Office of Undergraduate Research’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities & Competencies (UROC) Open Educational Resource was designed to provide undergraduate students with the essential skills and tools to take on an undergraduate research opportunity. UROC is divided into four modules: Intro to Undergraduate Research, Undergraduate Research Toolkit, AI & Information Literacy in Research, and Taking Action. Each module provides an overview of essential research skills and information to prepare students to take on undergraduate research. 

Are you looking for information and guidance on getting started in Undergraduate Research? UROC might be for you! 

UROC is divided into four modules: Intro to Undergraduate Research, Undergraduate Research Toolkit, AI & Information Literacy in Research, and Taking Action. While we designed each module to build upon the modules before it, we understand that not all students will need to review each of UROC's pages. We encourage you to pick and choose which UROC modules and pages will be most useful to you! However, if you do complete all four of UROC's modules, you will receive a certificate of completion! ​​​​

To get started, visit UROC’s listing on Open Learning and enroll in the course. UROC will be added to your ELMs-Canvas account, where you can begin reviewing content at your own pace. Be sure to complete the About You survey to access all four of UROC’s modules. 

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